>>5534139>opinionsI've played lots of both, and hon, smite, etc. I always have had the most fun in league. DotA to me lacks any kind of sustainable balance system other than "let's make EVERYTHING OP" and I feel I'm fighting with the game and its unnecessary complexity rather than fighting the enemy. I can see why some people would think it's more valid because it's "harder", but how does that make it better? Chess on a boat in a hurricane played with your toes is harder than normal chess, does that make it better? Also, if "harder equals better" why do all the super mechanical Korean players play league? I'm not saying league is perfect, far from it, the meta is stagnant, the developers are overly dumbing down certain challenging and fun aspects, such as jungling, and the character design is rarely compelling, also terrible community etc.
All of that being said I dislike DotAs characters, overly micro based gameplay, and over all style of play. I have much more fun with LoL and to me that's still what playing a game is about.
I totally agree with many complaints about it and advantages of DotA. To me is a taste thing. Some people like beer, some like wine, some like both,and some like neither.
dota isn't better than lol, lol isn't better than DotA. It's a meaningless and pointless rivalry that had gone on far too long. Play the one you like and leave the other community alone, or play both. Either way just shut up about it.