Why are you children listening to music on your phones..? Get speakers/a car
>>6914284Van Gogh/10. Don't like word-buttons. I like icons but it works there.
>>6914336Meh. Looks original and well made but not my taste
>>6914342That's a mini app drawer? 1/10
>>6914344Don't like rounded tiles. Needs some depth as well
>>6914381Yeah, 7/10
>>69143827/10 as well. I don't like humans as wps though
>>6914401My man
>>6914461So hows your autism?
>>6914491Funny but no
>>6914492Month before the day. Third world/10
>>6914493App drawer/10
>>6914527Neon Blue wallpaper, 1/10
>>6914534LineageOS is the new CM
>>6914564Okay-ish. 6/10
>>6914576Amazing wallpaper
>>6914691Gayest shit I've ever seen. Including 2 dudes fucking
>>6914764Don't you kids get tired of pastel colours/Gaussian blur? Lot of homescreens here look a like
>>6915020Meh. 4/10
And finally my own. Original, selfmade icon set, and there is nothing that can compare to it. S6 Edgy Gold, custom ROM, and with the 2k AMOLED screen this thing shines as bright as the sun.
Bask in the glory of its beauty peasants. Watch and learn.