No I don't want a clock
>>7082849Start over
>>7082690>>7082528>>7082284Really neat for what it can do, just maybe a different font.
>>7082121Looks comfy but the shadows are ew.
>>7081953I'd change the app drawer text color to white, other than that it's pretty good.
>>7081873Good contrasting colors, nice to look at. Is this based on something?
>>7081760Nothing to say other than it's good.
>>7080939Eh.. needs more effort.
>>7080851Try using text instead of icons maybe? Other than that it's nice!
>>7080824Delta and Swiss are my fav.
>>7080733Stock, but comfy.
>>7080489>7 clocks>>7080331Comfy.
>>7080139s t o p v a p o r w a v i n g p l e a s e
>>7079978I love your stuff, please do something different.
>>7079950Mmmmmm nice work.
>>7079859I like this so far. What phone?
>>7079857Stock, but comfy.