>>6986081I wasn't trying to be funny. I really am in a bad state right now. I travel back and forth between two countries, One is my homecountry which is in Asia, A third world country of course, and the place I am living now, In the middle east. A pretty good place where I've been living since I was born. Now it has come to a point where my family decided to permanently send me to my homecountry next month because of how bad the financial expanses are. Basically I've become a burden to my whole family now. 16 years I've lived my life happily and now I have to live the rest of my life in a shithole that is my homecountry. You get 30 minutes of electricity every 6 hours so 2 hours of electricity in total in a whole 1 day of summer. In winter you get around 5-6 hours in total. Not to mention that I'll have to live in something like pic related. Imagine living there on a burning hot day of summer with no electricity for air conditioning. Also The food there is shit, I literally can't get along with people. It's an all around nightmare. Funny story, I was actually held hostage by three people the last time I visited my homecountry, They kept my phone and asked the equivalent of $246 and in return they'd let me go, Luckily I didn't have to pay the money and they were happy with the phone they took from me.... Yeah so that's basically my story. I turn 17 at the end of this year, I am pretty sure I don't have a future ahead of me, With the education they'll provide in 'schools' there, I won't even get a job. Wonder if its worth it to just end it all.