I've been reading for a while, it takes me some time because english isnt my mother thounge. but loving all the stories for the moment.
But OP's story its the one that fucked my mind the most. I took off some lines and made it my story
>Be me>17 >No idea what it was like to be in love>There was this girl I knew, she was in the year below me>She was cute but had a boyfriend>Turns out they broke up>Being me I messaged her and extended the offer to talk if she needed>I was cool with this, and we became really close friends>I found she was extremely emotional over her bf, and became somewhat depressed/suicidal >I just wanted to help her through it as a friend does>Jump forward, we're on summer holidays>We literally do everything together and I catch feels>I find out she likes someone>Jealousy takes over>I try to explain how that makes me feel and each time I do she breaks into tears, thinking im leaving her>I keep denying my feelings for her even though it is ruining our friendship>I went from wanting to help, to wanting to spend my life with her>One night i can't take it anymore>I send her a message, explaining how I constantly feel like she doesn't try to make this friendship work, a friendship she tells me is so important to her>She doesn't reply>I know i've fucked up and beg to see her>Still nothing>I get no sleep that night >The following months were a blur, i always wondered if that was what it felt like to be "depressed">I avoided feelings towards people for 3 years, and that all came back that year>I'm 18 now and It's been over a year and a half since this all startedShit its still happening, i cant get that thought of my mind. I event saved this picture
>>6977549 and uploaded it to instagram (she love's this song and she once sahred me it) whit the story in the description. She just took a SS of the story and sent a question mark. That just few minutes ago.