Animations and live wallpapers are passé. I'm into functionality and accessibility nowadays. Icons are their own folders that open the main app on single tap and open the folder on swipe up.
I would like a replacement for the lines icon pack but its selection of icons is just too good and it goes with basically every wallpaper I use.
>>7436928Clean but boring
>>7437138I like the concept but not the folders
>>7437538Really nice paper and the music widget is clean
>>7437584Not a fan of the fonts, boxes should be closer together or further apart for positioning and balance
>>7437742Based Terry
>>7437937Get rid of the dock, widget is also bad
>>7437944Nice animation. Shadows on the text are incongruous with the flatness of the rest of it though.
>>7438040Really like the colours on this, font should be cursive or at least more feminine
>>7438041Good start, you could get much more creative with the top widget.