I may have taken my
[a e s t h e t i c] too far. But at least I got my dark, edgy and spooky theme mostly done, aside from the clock, I'd rather make another stupid clock than assign code to 78 triangles. Also this typing effect took way too many objects and animations, not worth. CMYKill them all is almost complete.
>>6686518 9/10 clean as fuck, not a huge fan of the 2016 font though
>>66865627/10 love the pape and animation but as the other anon said the icons and font distract a bit
>transition>animationsYeah I just threw it together to see how it looked in general, might flesh it out later.
>>6686549Glad I could help
>>6686765oooh yes that font is great, I like how small it is.
>>6685213I really shouldn't be giving out all these 9/10s but damn. Your setup goes perfectly with that pape visually and mood wise.
>>6683966Is this a surrogateself gif? It is very calming 8/10
>>668605310/10 Superb. That pape is great.
>>6686783I was partial to the pink, but the menu is a big improvement.