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I had been depressed and borderline suicidal a few years ago. Now after feeling like I had been going through life on autopilot and not feeling like I knew what the fuck I was doing, I've graduated school, got a job, and got promoted. Still kinda bummed about being single. But I think the biggest lesson I've learned over the past few years is that having reasonable and manageable goals and chasing a dream (any dream) makes me feel tremendously better. The combination of going nowhere fast and not having any bearing in life was such a negative weight that I put on my own shoulders. I stopped focusing on NOT being or doing or having this or that, and just focus on the seemingly tiny and mundane steps I take here and now as long as I am going SOMEWHERE. I realized the pursuit of something kindled my well being.
I'm rambling. This is probably just meaningless bullshit. I'm not giving advice; I'm just saying what worked for me.