Already posted my first go at KLWP here once a while ago, but think I'm gonna get rid of it soon, so thought I'd put this in here again
>>7319522Usually in these threads you rate others to get rated, I didn't know it too in the beginning. But for starters you could move the icons up, so the y line up with the blue square
>>7319479Looks clean, but I'm personally not a big fan of this kind of black/white style.
>>7318908It will look a lot better if you get ride of the taskbar and the bar at the bottom
>>7318770At least your phone is charged
>>7318675It's simple, I like it
>>7316493This one's great. Much better with the new font. I didn't use a weeb homescreen for years, but this temps me to go back to it sometime again.
>>7316447Maybe try another wallpaper? I like the way the icons are sorted though.
>>7316076Usually not a big fan of this style, but this looks alright. If it was up to me I might have made the read a bit transparent, but dunno it might look shit.
>>7315709This looks like it's a lot of work. I like the animations.