My first post in /wg/ don't rape me to hard. Tried to rate everyone.
>>6940235Simple and clean but I don't really like white setups. Love the wallpaper! 8/10
>>6940259Pretty good for Zooper. Switch to KLWP, Zooper is outdated. 7/10
>>6940270Nice animations, nice wallpaper, don't really like the navbar icons. 9/10
>>6940274Hide the navbar. 7/10
>>6940278Not my style, but i kinda dig it! 9/10
>>6940279Don't really like the font and wallpaper/icon combination. Maybe change the icons and the font? 4/10
>>6940331It is pretty hard to make a good setup with this wallpaper. Keep trying. 5/10
>>6940339Nice concept. Music widget kinda high. But overall it looks fine. 8/10
>>6940378Five Nights at Freddy's 10/10
>>6940402minimalistic. 6/10
>>6940425Change the font. 8/10
>>6940432It is pretty hard to read the text, etc.. Maybe Delta oder Kecil icons? 7/10
>>6940528stock ios. 0/10
>>6940543minimalistic. 7/10
>>6940598Amazing, maybe change the font? 9.75/10
>>694062410/10 for hard work.
>>6940654pretty much stock. Try harder. 2/10
>>6940672clean app drawer. 10/10
>>6940705We live in 2017. Ugly. 0/10
>>6940740Hide your statusbar. I like the dock/icon combination. 6/10
>>6940742Big icons, which seems very blurry, and a wallpaper with watermarks. 1/10