>Spend entire day with Haley on Friday>She went to Florida to spend time with her mom for a few days>Been having doubts after making this post>Probably not going to work out, I'm in a different city than her school>She can't really make me laugh>Don't feel like she has chemistry>Fall asleep together>Have to go to work at 6:00 that night>5:02>Mention breaking up when she has to go back to school.>She starts to get really upset>Conversation turns into breaking up by 5:30>Tfw it's really hard to tell someone who's crazy about you that you just don't feel the same way anymore>Her eyes are red, full of tears, mascara is all over her face>Clearly broke her heart even though it was stupid puppy dog love>Tfw 20>Tfw feel like complete garbage>Tfw I feel like I made a mistake>Tfw I broke an innocent girl's heart because I'm not comfortable being alone right now>ask family and friends for advice>"Forget about her, you're gonna break people's hearts">Tfw care too much about human interaction sometimes>Last 2 days have felt like shit.>share a cigar with my friend John and vent about relationships>It's not going to get better anytime soon.>At least I have myself.>Self improvementI learned that you can't go out with someone immediately after something serious, you end up just feeling like you're trying to fill a hole in the end, no matter how you justify it to yourself.
Poor fucking Haley man, she didn't deserve to have to take a ride with me when she didn't know any better.
never tell someone you love them when you don't actually feel it.
That's all I have to say, I'm going to feel like shit, I know I fucked up.
I already blocked her on everything and am trying to move on.
Feels like shit man.
The wallpaper is nice though, makes me remember that I'll always have my guy friends, even though I barely have any.
I'm rambling at this point, this thread is just very comforting, knowing we are all here.
I wish I could cry right now.