>>7141802There's nothing wrong with it, but it looks like utter shit. It also has no personality to it, but neither does mine. Repostan, added a wallpaper, but need one that works better with my boxes.
>>7141891I liked the original better, but that's just me and don't change what you have just because I say so. 7/10
>>7141675I like the minimal look to it, but it seems like there's a lack of functionality. 6/10
>>7141523Minimal, unique, but looks pretty busy and I'm not a fan of circles. 6/10
>>7141444I just like this a lot. 9/10
>>7141436: ^)
>>7141434I also like this, but there are only three apps 8/10
>>71414038/10 fits well together, except for the bottom left text.
>>7141400Very clean, very dark. 8/10, but I don't care much for the icons.
>>7141344I do not like the icons, and it doesn't look right against the wallpaper. 4/10 better than stock.
>>7141060I like the concept, but I do not care for the icons, 6/10. Also it looks really busy.