Dont like to double post but i didnt get too much feedback last thread so requesting as much as possible now
>>7132980Empty space is nice i wouldnt change it at all
>>7132983Not a fan of bright colours so i cant rate it as accurately but i like what you have gone for 7/10
>>7132994Kind of boring not really my thing either 5/10
>>7132996Animations kinda dope but the wallpaper itself is what i like 9/10 with a request for creepy doll girl please.
>>7133068Why even post
>>7133095Big fan of the simplicity 7/10
>>7133338Really like how you chose a primary colour and stuck with it unlike some here 9/10
>>7133352Neat wallpaper my o request to have the original. All round 9/10 also i love it.
>>7133354Again its hard to rate the design of something when i wouldnt do myself. If i were to put myself in the shoes of someone who likes this stuff i would go an 8/10 because the multi colours makes it seem like there are too many things happening at once.
>>7133356Kind of boring but if thats your thing then go for it. 6/10