>>7901659>You're worse than the goth gatekeepers that don't understand the meaning of the culturethere is a reason why gatekeeping exists and why a certain genre or ''culture'' has for outsiders an distinguishable set of hard to understand traits, rules or art directions that set it apart from all the other cultures out there.
it is to keep out the kevins, jadens, jay kwons, johnnys, bro's basebalcap-backwards douchebags, trenders, and inevitably:''change'' screamers and lefty moles hoisting your hobby onto their shield for their victim points.
if you allow a certain hobby to progress it will adapt traits from other hobbies until it becomes unrecognisable to the small incrowd that first enjoyed said hobby. and with enough time and fame the hobby will be indistinguishable from all the other mainstream drok out there.
its how punk died, its how we end up with the retarded, bug-ridden utterly hyped up cyberpunk 2077 its how we end up with the halo tv show, its how comics, geek culture, and internet culture died, its how a retarded thing like disney lego starwars, or amazons lord of the rings can happen. its pretty much going to end up with a cartel of creatively bankrupt coorporations blowing eachother under the table and shooting their franchise IP's into eachothers face until it all drips onto the board table and coalesces into a single retarded intellectual property puddle that tries to be appeal to everyone and will be trown to the trash when the next thing is trending.
people like you are the cancer killing the underground.