>>7342848Nice aesthetic, but generally too hard to read imo 8/10
>>7343209Weebish and two clocks. But i don't mind the app drawer and weather/clock display at the top. And nice music player touch. Just keep the light theme 6/10
>>7343238What is this? Your pager? Jesus man. But like
>>7343239 said, you're in the right direction.
>>7343279Maybe it's just me but everything's too high up, maybe make the music cover appear where your app drawer is or something. Also why does the music cover "pop" in while the app drawer fades in? Everything else is fine though 7/10
>>7343692Can't really add any tips besides taking off the notification bar. Two clocks my guy. But overall i like it. It's full but not cluttered. All i want to know is what the alphabet is there for. 8.5/10
>>7343698Why the hell do you people keep leaving your second clock. Simple but plain. 6/10
Despite judging you guys i might not have room to talk. I haven't done this in years