Seriously though, don't treat my word as the gospel.
>>6922025It's okay. While you succeeded at the sky blue and white theme, you messed up by keeping it too cluttered. Remove status bar, google bar, and the app drawer. In Nova, set access to the app drawer through home button press or gesture. Then, make the vertical and horizontal grid of your homescreen larger so you have more freedom to move icons around. Then move the snapchat icon slightly down so that it doesn't clip the leaves in your background.
>>6921985Pretty fuckin good, only thing I'd change is the '|' to a '//' but that's just a dumb preference of mine. Otherwise this is great.
>>6921905Not too bad, but I'd maybe fix that weird middle space on the first rectangle, it's a bit weird to see it empty and then the centers of the other rectangles filled. If you want to get really fancy, set up two overlap groups inside of eachother and a text box inside the inner overlap group. Get a font similar to the one in the background and place the box over the windows. Use the overlap groups and the text to rotate about the x, y, and z axis so that it looks as realistic as possible(This will likely mean looking for minute differences between a change of 1 degree). Shade the color of the text so it looks like a shadow, and you have something that looks absolutely amazing.
>>6921885This needs more continuity. If everything else is black, why is the nav bar white? Why is the google button there when it looks so out of place? My suggestion would be to remove nav bar and google(maybe status bar too). Then change fonts to be darker as the dark gray looks weird.
Anyway, rate me lads. I didn't write all that for nothing.