A shifting gradient, wooo~
>>6999625Directly inspired mine. I've been searching for a pape for ages, but I guess no pape can be just as good.
>>6999659Makes me want to die
>>6999724Preddy gud
>>6999775Good functionality but doesn't seem very cohesive as a theme. I dont know how to improve that exactly, but maybe experiment a bit.
>>6999968Simple, works, no issues
>>7000143I love this as much as I hate it, which is a lot
>>7000212Cool concept
>>7000286New icons and new font please
>>7000378Holy wack cluttery clutter Andre, you're fucking right! To the papemobile, let's go
>>7000565Good theming
>>7000578Swiping through each seems cumbersome but it's well put together
>>7000702Preddy gd stocky setup, so guess we're about even