>>7972979Not bad has a mostly uniform theme. Spacing is off tho. Might look better with a more filled in icon pack not glyphs/lines. 6.5/10
>>7973133Clean overall wallpaper adds a nice contrast to the minimal layout. Not very creative, but I've been there. I share the same sentiment of a riced homescreen getting in the way. 6/10
>>7973339This style has been done a lot over the years but still one of my favorite 7/10
>>7973341Very nice for your first try. Try looking into some older kwlps on the website for inspo. 7/10
>>7973359Very basic but not cluttered. 5/10
>>7973632It's nice that you enjoy it. Imo the two clocks with the clashing fonts and the wallpaper makes it looks cluttered. 4/10
>>7974105A normal homescreen 5/10
>>7974539Pretty basic, where's you clock? 6/10
>>7974561Hate the icons. Hate the clock widget. 3/10
>>7975110Pretty good not a fan of the color scheme or icons and too much text in the center screen. Everything is solid however. 7.5/10
>>7975454Like I said earlier this style has been done a lot, but I always find it appealing 8/10
>>7975455Two clocks, cluttered, ugly widget. 4/10
>>7975482Like it a lot 7/10
>>7980374Really nice maybe try a different animation 8/10
>>7980741Not bad a bit cluttered don't need two clocks. 6/10
>>79831024/10 two clocks, not a fan of the different sized apps. And the red looks atrocious. Good luck with the iPhone.
>>7983599Pretty solid like the scrolling. Maybe try a more retro font and diff icon pack. 6.5/10
>>79862506/10 pretty good but nothing special
>>7986264Not a fan of the font. 5/10
>>7986401Basic. 4/10
>>7986731Horrible icons clash with the background 3/10
>>7986735It's alright but still pretty basic 6/10
>>7987553Interesting pape hate the font. 5/10
>>7988931It's solid nothing special 5/10 and as the other anon said
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