19, m
Currently a sophomore at Washington State University.
>>6530538I can really sympathize buddy that's where I was for a while. I'm finally out of that place and I really feel like I have lots of my life figured out and like I'll be alright. But responsibilities coming together hasn't really changed much for me. I live 6 hours away from my girlfriend of 4 years and the rest of my friends for that matter. Its really lonely out here in the middle of nowhere and I'm trying really hard to transfer into UW so I can maybe get a fresh start and make friends (and be close to my gf).
I like music and films a lot and make my own when I can find people to work with. My career path is looking like it will be something in international business. I want to experience to much in this life to commit myself to one set thing like law or medicine or academics so at least with this I might get to see a lot of the world. Idk
This is my favorite board so its nice to see some personal touches from the people on here. (and its nice to see another college student from Washington)
This is my favorite wallpaper atm, it reminds me that summer is around the corner and I'll be driving around with my friends in the cool night air soon enough.