Need to flesh it out a bit but this feels solid so far, would like some feedback for it.
How the fuck do you guys record long, good quality WEBMs that stay below 3MB? I keep needing to make compromises in quality...
>>7817858 3/10Try to make the theme integrate them a bit instead of just icons over a wallpaper.
>>7817723 9/10Very comfy, I like it.
>>7817666 5/10Your digital minimalism feels very stock iOS...
>>7817643 3/10You can do without the page indicator. As for the text, maybe find a different color/font. I get the terminal-ish look you're trying to give it but right now feels like random text just slapped in there.
>>7817613 10/10Beautiful.
>>7816460 7/10I feel like you can take advantage of the gold color to give some bits of it accent. The icon dock feels a little stuffed.
>>7816453 8/10Very pretty visually but you could organize the info in the widget better (two battery indicators for instance).
>One single app iconVery based...
>>7816432 8/10Thematically it works, but damn are those some information dumps. Hard to make sense of what's relevant.
>>7816425 6/10If you're gonna double down with the inky colors, for the icons try the same with the top portion. Also two clocks.
>>7816420 4/10Icons can be hard to read when it's white over bright colors. Stuff looks weirdly spaced
>>7816371 9/10VERY cool. May feel like not much is going on in the whole screen but that's fine, love the overall theme.