new rice thanks to this great klwp app everyone keeps talking about. i for one am extremely happy with how this one turned out
>>7848706p nice looking, shame the song title length is so limited
>>7848873its a bit sad that you block the most important part of the pape
>>7851088you should probably play around with the otuer edge rounding to make it work with the inner one better, cuz rn visually they dont line up. outer edges softer, or inner edges sharper.
>>7851903no, the flip animation is obnoxious as fuck
>>7852236make one
>>7860544pape is p cute, but the icons suck ass, in a bad way. think you ended up with a nice font after some exploration, maybe you could make the music player controls match the vibe?
>>7861712neat, the pape is nicer than the rest. adding more clocks or gears or something in the background of the final screen would probably be nice.
>>7866464try out DIN, might fit well
>>7876116decent starting point. should work harder on applying the aesthetic thoroughly though, cuz rn it looks half-assed and therefore bad.>>7876398its an automatic palette tool, cant expect much. if you are only using one pape do it manually, if you are using a handful, still do it manually. only if you are using it for album art accents or something would i really use those.
>>7879609you cant even read the fucking apps, i didnt know you could make such a launcher shittier
>>7883139blur on the icons for the aesthetic maybe? battery looks very uninspired, and i bet you could spruce up the font a bit too, take inspo from the pape. (and you should probably cut out the watermark on that)