fuck me, please excuse the eye-cancer that is the white bar on the right. i suck at manga studio.
>>6631085boooring af yo. why make the album covers b&w? are you really that edgy? 5/10
>>6630853dude, just hit up the op comment
>>6630840>and loving iti can see. looks good! 8/10
>>6630765i like the paper, but thats about it. 6/10
>>6630682i would dig this if the paper didnt make me cry(kidding) i love the spacey feels. 7/10
>>6630563p nice setup. for some reason it gives me metro feels. 8/10
>>6630560love the paper. what does the button on the bottom right do? 7/10
>>6630519>it is__ o clock>todays date is__>you have_ leftwhy even bother? it would be much nicer without so much text im o 6/10
>>6630332change the gutwrenching spin on that fucking album cover. 6/10
>>6630331p good shit. i dig it very much. 8.9/10
>>6630248v nice, but overused paper 9/10
>>6630220dark days, nice. i like how each page is named. 7/10
>>6630214>temposwho the fuck are you?