>>6219125>>6219130I like it, but I feel the font just doesn't sit as well as it should with the more modern look of the setup, perhaps something more modern would fit better, 9/10
>>6219147That clock-face is cool on the lockscreen, the overall setup isn't my style but I do like how it's been put together, my only suggestion is that if you're going for a look like how your font is and how the general vibe of the wallpapers look, perhaps a bit of looking into retro or classic themes would suit the homescreen a little nicer, it's nit picky I know, otherwise well done, 8/10
>>6219158I like this, very much. One of the best suited ones I've seen 10/10
>>6219325Cool idea, but fucking impossible to read, I would personally make the Clock a little more central to the lockscreen over the date, but if it fits, it sits. 8/10
>>6219331I saw this in the last thread, I like, the vibrant colours make it have such an eye-candy effect to me, 9/10
>>6219401It does look good, but I've never been a fan of the text icons, +1 for the pape lel, 8/10
>>6219506That wallpaper is not working with the white elements, change the wallpaper to something a little easier to contrast with a lockscreen/homescreen, a women's face has too much emphasis, and it sorta takes away from the phone, 6/10
>>6219513I like it, but the Chrome icon is distracting me, it's scaled incorrectly in comparison to your other icons, I'm not sure whether thats intentional, or something to do with the icons, but that's all I can find off with your setup, 7.5/10 otherwise!
>>6219515I like the art style on the icons, it's something different, something fresh, but the wallpaper doesn't match the art style as well as it should, it's a cool wallpaper otherwise but something just doesn't seem right. It'll come to me eventually! 7/10
I'm currently in the process of getting a new theme to replace this one, but rate away!