>>7242922Solid, comfy. A more traditional font for your clock might suit better, maybe even soften the color to an off-white.
>>7242933Qt/10. Charcoal > solid black. Soften your contrast
>>7242978I'm a fan. I dont have much to add other than some subjective choices that would suit me better - icons instead of text, tweaks to the blue/brown scheme, etc. Nice.
>>7242986Simple and on point. Scrolling text is a nice touch.
>>7243033Solid palette. Consistant motif. Not the biggest fan of the font, but thats more subjective, it doesnt clash.
>>7243064Uninteresting, but its not like you fucked it up
>>7243126Always a fan. Would prefer icons to text, but you do you
>>7243248Interesting motif. Maybe tighten up the stuttering, I find it a little loose. Contrast-wise its great, though
>>7243534Nice animations, like the circular icon layout. Suggestions wise, i'd ease-out the trajectory of the '+'
>>7243644Uninteresting, but subtle coloration is a good start
>>7243670Qt. 2simple2crit
>>7243758Not bad. Would prefer better contrast on the text and/or icons
>>7243990Uninteresting, subtle coloration is a start at least
>>7244070Uninteresting. Could be a solid 2simple2crit if you softened the colors, as I assume you are going for a pastel palette.
>>7244124Personally would prefer no or at least sharper border-radius. The footer is great, lovely. But, the main and header sections feel off-ratio