>>56589105/10, You probably want to remove the calendar script, as well as changing the fonts to something lighter like Avenir Next or Helvetica Neue.
I would also change the folder icons to something lighter if I were you.
>>56585169/10 Love the color choice. Also, what is that on the left?
>>56578397/10, Really like it. The icons seem a little bit out of place though...
>>56574027/10 Really like the background, even though i doesn't really fit with the b&w style you have going.
Would also move the "Now playing" to either the middle or a bit longer down.
>>56569979/10 A little too dark for my own taste, would probably consider changing some of the font colors.
>>56564667/10 Would change the icons to something more 2D. Would also increase the size of the album artwork.
>>56554427/10 Stylish, but the wallpaper seems a bit bland.
>>565538910/10 Love the color choice. Mind sharing the background?