Z is for Zexy Twins.
>come home and see both of my twin teen daughters masturbating in the living room>one was still wearing her school uniform while the wild one was wearing her mizugi from school>watch them for 5 minutes waiting for them to notice me>still not noticing me>about to make a coughing sound when they were about to orgasm at the same time>woops!>I step back and hide to let them have their pleasure moment>hear them moaning "papa" and "papa I love you">what the heck was that?>remembered female orgasms can last for upto 13 to 51 seconds on average>wait for a minute more to let them finish up>make a coughing sound and stomp my feet as I walk to notify them of my pressence>I walk into the living room as if I just arrived>see one of my daughters taking selfies on her retro phone I gave her>the wild one was gaming on the Dreamcast>I also take pictures to remember this moment>pic related, Ah, it feels good to have retrotaku daughters that also enjoy the good stuff from the pastBonus Japanese traditional retrotaku daughter ready for a Japanese traditional bath time together with International traditional daddy rubbing each other's backs and hard to reach places.