>>7353085From the top to bottom:
Clock is a simple Text object with a shadow with everything on minimum, formula is $df(hh:mma)$
After that is the overlay group containing the music info and BG (color FF1F1F1F), on it I used an animation of fadeout with a 5second time activated by clicking the bottom white button. Inside of it are one stack group containing the album art and a stack group with the actual text. This is to align the album Art with the text horizontally and the text with itself vertically.
The text are pretty simple formulas, just [c=#FFE8175D]"Description:"[/c] "Info". The info being just some of the few mi() functions. Note that in-between the color formula and the actual music function there's enough space to align every other info vertically. The text is fixed width 440 with one line.
On the bottom is another simple shape of the same color as the top one. Each button is related to an app by the "touch" section in kwlp with the middle white one toggling a global variable that controls the visibility of the music block.
App: kwlp
Font: IBMplex
Wallpaper:pic related
Unrelated song I was listening to:
https://youtu.be/oqLOBhaizy8And if you want to just save yourself the trouble and be a copycat here's the full export: