This is mine. Kinda looking for a new wallpaper but I'm content with this. Suggestions?
>>5918045Cool concept. Clock needs to be bigger and a little more complex, and you need different icons. 6/10 as it stands now. Could be an easy 8 or 9 with some changes.
>>5917969White clock on white background and stupid icons. You need to throw some color in there my friend. 4/10
>>5917787I don't like it but I can see how other people might. Not my thing personally. 6/10
>>5917783As far as Windows phones go I've seen worse.
>>5917608Generic, but calming. I kinda like it. 7/10
>>5917528Another neat concept, but you need to space your icons evenly imo. 7/10
>>5918587Not sure what's going on here but I'm not a huge fan. Just looks to busy to me. 6/10
>>5918333This is awful. 2/10
>>5918325Try adding white bars under your text icons and then space the other icons so they sit at the same height but in between the text icons.