Here's my desktop. If you're wondering why its so clean its because I recently installed a fresh version of windows. Rate if you like. My browser is google chrome, and my music medium itunes (but they are un-personalized.)
Any recommendations on some additions that are nice and would fit my minimalist style? I really only need:
- email
- music / music player
- calender perhaps
- weather perhaps
>>55378419/10 My fave so far. Very cool.
>>5537881took too long to load :L
>>55379127.5/10 I dont like not having a task bar
>>55379219/10 very nice motif. appealing to mine eyes :3
>>55379398/10 dual monitor?
>>55381687/10 looks a bit cluttered, otherwise nice.
>>55382698/10 so crisp :o
>>55382976/10 too much clutter for my liking, in ur bookmars especially
Thats all i can be bothered with right now. Im pretty new to desk-top-ping... sooo yeah :P