First time using klwp. It's really basic, but I think it works for now. Any suggestions?
>>6357747Acdisplay with a custom widget most likely
>>6357701That's just icons and a stock widget. Not really a style
>>6357699See above, also, get rid of search bar, doesn't mesh well.
>>6357660Remove it, use gestures to open drawer.
>>6357643Clock doesn't look that great, and the red and light blue doesn't match IMO. However, I can tell you put some time into it. Out of the screens I've reviewed so far, its the best. Good job.
>>6357530I don't know why you guys need a search bar on your homescreen. I think it looks bad personally. Overall though, your screen looks pretty good. Just hide the nav bars
>>6357461That's just a lock screen
>>6357437That's really basic. it looks almost functionless which seems useless. Add a little more to it.
>>6357264You can do better. Get a wall that fits your screen res, and then come back for some more help. I'll be here, waiting.
>>6357246The icons don't match the wall. What kind of style are you going for?
>>6356479Joke/10. You need to put a little more effort into your life bro.