I forgot my shit.
Note 4 (best phone)
Nova launcher
Zooper widget
Glyphs icon pack
Rate please and tell me what's wrong with it.
>>6145762 alot of icons and the widget is ugly
>>6145747the icons are bad
>>6145660I don't really like the widget
>>6145372Too basic add some icons
>>6145246Simple don't like it.
>>6145051I really enjoy the home screen but change the font for the widget.
>>6145016Really simple and I hate it
>>6145012Get rid of the icon pack, wallpaper, and widget and restart
>>6145001Way to basic
>>6145000Love it
>>6144989I enjoy it good job
>>6144974Could be better, I love the home screen but the icons are great but the background of the icon is bad