>>73203131973, Baby David Plays In His Plastic Bubble, June 10
"From a few seconds after his birth until two weeks before his death at age 12, David lived life entirely in one plastic bubble or another. Touching the world would have killed him in fairly short order. Even his two weeks outside a plastic cocoon were spent in a hospital trying, futilely, to stave off the inevitable."
-ny times
>>73203141943 Washington, D.C. Small boys watching the Woodrow Wilson high school cadets
>>73203401905 Detroit, Icemobile - Grand Trunk car ferry crossing the Detroit River in winter.
>>73203641942 Mary Honda Murder Case. Denver, Colorado: Photo shows victim, Mary Honda at the blood spattered murder scene.
>>73203921986 Gold mine of Serra Pelada, Brazil
"Serra Pelada was a large gold mine in Brazil 430 kilometres (270 mi) south of the mouth of the Amazon River. In 1979 a local child swimming on the banks of a local river found a 6 grams (0.21 oz) nugget of gold. Soon word leaked out and by the end of the week a gold rush had started. During the early 1980s, tens of thousands of prospectors flocked to the Serra Pelada site, which at its peak was said to be not only the largest open-air gold mine in the world, but also the most violent."
>>73206531913 A Mongolian woman reaches out from the porthole of a crate in which she is imprisoned
"Albert Kahn visited Mongolia where he took this picture of a woman who was condemned to slow and painful starvation by being deposited in a remote desert inside a wooden crate that was to become her tomb."