>>7298610i have to preface what i'm about to say by reminding you that i really really enjoyed my time at that gathering with her, but it took a lot of energy out of me socially, and i wanted to be left alone for awhile. i also feel as if, at the time, i felt things didn't go amazingly well, even though i was satisfied with how it went for me. i guess more specifically, i felt that she wasn't particularly impressed or interested in me more than at a platonic level. i never really ended up following that night up with anything. it wasn't until later that i would regret that.
this past month or so, i've been thinking about that night a lot, as i sit here in my apartment, alone at my computer, away from everyone else. after that night we had followed each other on twitter, but i didn't pm her until about a month ago.
i'm not entirely sure this isn't some ridiculous form of irony, but it was like pulling teeth to talk to her over text. i'd get a msg from her every 3+ days, some real fuckin pigeon mail shit. at first i thought this was just me, but i ended up asking my best friend and he had said she's just been naturally flaky and unreliable lately, and that everyone else was surprised she even came that night. she also seemed interested in the conversational topics that we were speaking on, so i continued on.
we continued to talk about the same things, and we went on for a few weeks at this incredibly slow pace. i asked around since we have some overlap in the friend group and everyone said they thought i had a really good chance, and to continue. and so i did.
i've honestly gotten really tired of the pigeon mail, so i decided that i should asked her out to a real date. my first attempt in years. and potentially the first actual attempt, since i haven't really even asked a girl to go anywhere with me since i was 13 or 14. of course, i couldn't do it in person because school is session now, so i had to settle for a twitter dm.