Quoted By:
>What do you do for a living?
27m, US Air Force Munitions troop
>How much do you make? And what's your quality of life?
I JUST did my taxes and I've already forgotten how much an E-4 with dependents makes annually. It's not much, but it's more than enough for us to live on. My quality of life is absolutely excellent only because my wife and I are very frugal and invest our money wisely.
>Are you happy?
My life is absolutely wonderful and I cannot believe how much I am blessed. I have an adoring wife, an adorable almost 3yo son, and no major debts, disabilities, or maimed body parts.
>What would you change, career or other, if you could?
The only black mark on my record is an LOR and UIF for calling this Mexican POS airman a spic under my breath after he spent a 10-minute truck ride with an NCO ranting about how my wife is a whore, my son is trash that should have been aborted, and all White women deserve to choke on Mexican cock. Needless to say you can guess which side the NCO took. If I could go back and keep my mouth shut I would have. It prevented me from making E-5 last year.