>>5351870hey, great BG and color scheme/font in the rainmeter, just tone down the skins a bit. no need for so many meters.
>>5351935very clean mac, except for that bottom bar. does it replace the dock? what do you use for the black menubar>
>>53519471337 h4x0r
>>5351969very clean desktawp, mr fuzzbear. that seems like a nice pplication launcher.
>>5351971are you running mindows osxp or linux "leaping leopard"? the menu bar works well with the BG but the dock is eh
>>5352040that BG is really cool and the theme works well. my only suggestion is to make the menubar slightly darker than the BG, not lighter. maybe a more intense beige?
>>5352117your rainmeter is very compact considering the amount of stuff it monitors. that is done skillfully, and the double screen makes it possible. the BG is anime