>>7427882So close to death, with the abyss staring back at you, I hope all trace of self-exaltation and pride is gone from your being. This state should help you see through the nihilistic non-sense that is the modern perception of the world and existence itself - that the world is just chaos and life is a random anomaly, materialistic view of the universe and creation etc. They're a monstrous deception inficted on humanity in order to hide God from us. If we would know one another I could show you the monstous lies that make up the modern world and it's "tenets". But at this point all I can do is to hope that you will give this a try:
See that there is a divine order in all things. All of creation and life itself is the result of the logos. The fibonacci spirals in plants and animals, the miracle of human life (The discoverer of the DNA, James Watson called it nothing short of a miracle). The uncreated energies of the Almighty God reside in every facet of creation.
1. Consider the posibility that life itself is a test. A second chance to make the right choice, to not listen to the snake that tells us to live for ourselves by our own laws - but to live life looking for our Heavenly Father, by following the tracks of His Son, the incarnate Logos, the second Adam, born out of the line of king David and the Holy Spirit, fully man and fully God by the sacrifice on The Cross, Jesus Christ Lord.
2. Read the Holy Bible. At least the four books of the Gospel. If you can and have time, read all of it, I recommend the Septuagint for the Old Testament - from which Jesus Christ Himself quoted in His lifetime.