>>7933903>>7933774Actually, plot twist.
In the comments of the alt angle one, he mentions where it is.
>underneath the kay bailey hutchison convention center in downtown dallas; there's a rail station down thereHere's a streetview of the exact location. Wasn't too hard to find once I found where it is, but navigating the streetview to actually get to the right location is a bit of a nightmare since it's "underground".
google.com/maps/@32.7725674,-96.804405,3a,75y,255.95h,95.51t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMiNIEI4YJUGXG85LZ_ZyJg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192The original photo was taken from the elevated area behind the screenshot I took.
I don't really know if that kills some of the mystique of the image or not, but it is kind of a fun puzzle to find out where some places are. Definitely would have come in handy when I was recreating the photo though. Wish I had the common sense to just scroll down and read the comments.