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>>6612445Alternative but actually quite good. Everything gels very well. I agree with the other guy about using glypshy.
>>6612494I wouldn't change anything desu. Very nice
>>6612576Icon pack, lower DPI. Look here for stuff you like. Check thread archives too.
>>6612604I'd change the clock in the middle to match the icons. I wouldn't change the statusbar though, some division is nice imo.
>>6612720Not a fan of the alignment on this. Having the quote in a thin font that close to the edge makes it feel weird, same going for the music name. Otherwise it's pretty nice.
>>6612750Pretty neat, don't think the clock font works, though.
>>6612788No rice, but still nice. Get rid of the indicator and firefox icon.
>>6613229Get an icon pack or at least do something. Why can't you do more?
>>6613255That's sweet, definitely needs changed icons but that's really cool. Love the KLWP/widget cluster.
>>6613423It's a bit generic. Have a go at making some custom widgets maybe. The drawer icon is very out of place. Reassign it to a gesture.
>>6613526Neat. Don't like the days written along. I'm not sure how, but something similar with the months would make it gel better if you wanted it that way.
>>6613575Font is awful, but like the widget. Get rid of some of the statusbar stuff.