Bush comes up in the circle bc of the day, but usually it's just a blur
>>6697432Pretty nice for IOS 9/10
>>6697433Nice icons but you can do more. Finish up them send what you have 6/10
>>6697449I don't know how you get to your apps but looks peaceful. It looks like it would be hell to turn on at night tho 8/10
>>6697453Move the clock somewhere else 7/10
>>6697461I don't know what but something is off. It's not that homey. 7/10
>>6697535I can dig it. 8.5/10
>>6697556The clock font is insanely ugly to me but the icons are alright 7.5/10
>>6697566Basic but looks nice 9/10
>>6697627Basic as fuck. Add a clock at least. Although the icons fit nicely with the background 7/10
>>6697839A bit much on the screen but it's still fine
>>6697848A little laggy but I love the creativity. 10/10