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Life is pretty rad at the moment, picked up this new book about how to deal with people and so far it's changed me from being a moody sack of shit to an understanding happy sack of not shit but something better.
I've learned to accept my isolationist life style, and enjoying the recent bouts of laughing with friends and having a good time, coming home late, and not being completely depressed.
The best thing in life is not to want and mull over your desires, but learn to accept one's situation and make the best out of it. Atleast in my opinion.
While life is pretty shitty, it's easy to fall into the mindset of "everythings fucked". I've done it, and we've all had bouts with it.
I find I'm most happy when I'm with other people, in some form of communication. Whether it's online or at a fast food joint, it's just better to be a sad sack of shit with friends than infront of your computer.
I like people, but just not a lot. I enjoy socializing, but I also enjoy keeping to myself.
I can't explain it, but when I'm with friends I have fun. Almost like I'm saving that enjoyment and storing it for when I'm alone.
From reading your guys posts, you all seem down in the dumps.
My meager advice is stop surrounding yourself with negativity and self-loathing, but try to adhere to the more positive aspects of life.
At the end of the day, atleast you're not a total loser, right? Unless you're dead set on being a sad sack of shit your entire life.
The most memorable quote I've taken to heart in recent time is, "Is it really fun to be mad all the time?"