Almost stock but I think it's alright. What do you guys think?
>>6697990>>66981009/10 I like the first one, but the pink one looks really tacky to me. Keep the font sizes consistent on bottom left, and center them relative to the circles. I also feel like a dark nav bar would look better but up to you.
>>6698237>>66982398/10 Effay as fuck. Get rid of page indicator though. Solid, borderless white icons would work well I think. White icons for camera and phone on lock screen would make it look better too.
>>66982567/10 Not a fan of the music player font but it's clean enough.
>>66983845/10 Random green in widget, page indicator, inconsistent icons. You're right, it really is nothing special.
>>66985548/10 I like it! Use the same font for music widget though and white icons would look better on the pullout.
>>66985605/10 I really don't like this but I'm not sure what would make it better.
>>66989416/10 Icons (?) are too bright and would look better vertically centered.
>>66990277/10 Status bar is pretty cluttered. Removing the battery percentage would be nice.
>>6699029>>66990313/10 It's not much coming from me but that's just very very stock. At least get an icon pack man.
>>66991947/10 Looks pretty good.
>>66993008/10 Looks nice but would look better if the text wasn't covered by the box.
>>66995126/10 Icons are fuckheug and there's no need for two different fonts on the music player. Having different number of icons on the two rows really bugs me too.