>>6446675Nice, but the battery level seems rather out of place
>>6447279That text is hard to read, the paper takes up too much real estate
>>6447496I really like this one, but the icons look off. Not sure if its the colour or the shape though
>>6447524Icons too hard to see, wallpaper too busy for readability. Try placing something behind them or adding some black to the bottom of the wallpaper and moving it up
>>6447885As clock widgets go, Zooper, UCCW and KWGT are all good choices. If you want to take another step up, there's KLWP.
>>6448059Not a bad first attempt, but you need to spread your elements out somehow
>>6448140I really like the shadowing and separation on this one. I'm not even sure if I can make the two clocks criticism here. Try turning the notification bar off entirely, and maybe expand into another screen for music?
>>6448254>>6448256I really like the theme in A, but it bugs me that the text overlaps the picture. Could you move it somewhere else?
As for B, nice, but you're missing an icon and the lower half of the screen seems like it could be put to use
>>6448326Text is unreadable, try and frame the wallpaper with readable solid components that you can place text on rather than avoid putting things on it at all. Also, the font sort of sucks
>>6448356Zooper, kwgt, uccw, klwp
>>6448426Read the OP
>>6448682Try changing the clock to a lighter colour, and consider removing labels in your app drawer if only to match the homescreen. Other than that, pretty good!
>>6448697Man, I just straight up like this one. Only off thing is the grey circle around the day, should be white
>>6448856The 100% black bars seem a bit dark, try making them slightly grey and adding a black border
>>6448951If you don't have widgets, you can't have two clocks!
>>6448958Remove page indicator and notification bar
>>6449196Text at the bottom left of the second screen clashes and the icon pack needs to be complete, other than that, great rice