Back with improvements. Having way too much trouble trying to convert mp4 to webm in VLC so just decided to post this instead.
Chevron slides out the music menu thing
>>6706162Sorry for me being dumb and not using google
For yours, I usually don't like notification bars but this looks alright
What are you doing to open all your apps? tapping something or using 2 fingers and sliding or?
>>6706250LOVE your clock. change that battery and post again
>>6706273Like your design but no apps?
>>6706712Love this. Personally I would probably have some apps on the screen but looks really nice
>>6706239>>6706256>>6706422>>6706481I usually dont respond to people who don't reply to others but I'll get you this time
>>6706239either get rid of the black box and change your control colors on the bottom or add another meme box down there
>>6706256get rid of dock and page indicator, change icons, like the background though
that notification bar actually looks super nice, coming from someone who hates notification bars
>>6706422like the top half but personally not a fan of that icon pack on anything screen
>>6706481needs a clock and i would put a single image that represents the apps in the folder on the folders instead of smaller app icons. makes it look really busy on that side while the rest of the screen is kind of boring