This is mine that I've been working on for the last two weekends. I think I went a bit overboard with the amount of taskbar icons...
>>5360773Super awesome and clean.
>>5360804Pretty clean but you haven't really done a lot to it. Zzz
>>5360959XD nice windows widget thing
>>5362185Pretty awesome. Nice tunes too.
>>5362225Lol hideous
>>5362249Pretty badass outside of the default desktop icons just chillin' there.
>>5362309Pretty nice. None of the window background/text coulours seem to match eachother
>>5362389Fuck yeah bad ass.
>>5362447Yeah that stark white is too intense for me but aside from that this is super clean and looks great.
>>5362448That little bar on the bottom is kinda cool but the other RM stuff is clunky and overboard. Get a theme plz
>>5362461this is pretty cool. Is the wallpaper supposed to be all scrambled on the lower right? Also the icons on the top bar could be nicer