>>6294266I like it. Green and white go well together. everything fits just fine, except for the two clocks. 7.5/10
>>6293949Maybe the info could be on the top left, idk. The icons are great. Everything matches perfectly. 9/10
>>6293813It looks messy. I don't understand what is goind on there. Pretty much everything
>>6294168 said. 3.5/10
>>6293666It sure doesn't please me aesthetically, but it looks so functional. 8/10
>>6293373Music widget feels invasive. Can you make it transparent? Everything else looks fine. 8/10
>>6293369Looks better without the "city". It's very cohesive. If you could make the nav bar transparent and move the pape a little bit higher, it'd be perfect. 8.5/10
>>6293340Nice. Nav bar doesn't look out of place, icons look good, that "frame" works very well. 8/10
>>6293333Drawer icon looks odd, at least. You could also hide your notif bar. Looks great otherwise. 9/10
>>6293320It feels sofisticated, but boring. At least you got the colors right. Nice and clean. 8/10
>>6293318Is the battery icon really necessary? Also, I think you could reduce the number of icons a bit. 7.5/10
r8 and h8