its been a little over two years since i graduated high school now, and around the same time, i had so much confidence i asked my high school crush on a date. i'd been on a couple dates before, but nogf and virgin because i've always been really anxious around girls. she is waaay out of my league. i thought it went alright, but i didn't want to be too forward for fear of rejection so i didnt make any moves. Despite her saying she had a good time, i tried to make plans with her multiple times after that date and she always had excuses. It was the only time i really felt a girl was so interesting, not like the norm etc that i'd really try, but things eventually just fizzled out. We dont talk to each other anymore, but it still feels like it sort of.. shifted my life. Ever since that date, i've never felt that same feeling as before it. Any time i think i see her in public (small town), i just leave the area. She still views / likes my social media posts, but i have this deep gut feeling this will haunt me forever. I know there's plenty of fish in the sea etc... it just feels like my brain won't ever let this go. I just want to let go of the past but the town i live in wont ever let me do that.. it feels like i'm stuck in high school mentally. idk where i'm going with any of this, sorry
>>7214417definitely not the best person to give advice on this, but if you need something to talk about pick up a couple hobbies. You'd be surprised what people find interesting if you live in a bubble. Or travel, that's pretty much universally enjoyed and can create some great stories. basically, get out of your comfort zone, even if it hurts at first