>>5666762i recognize yours, looks mediocre still. Rather wordy and not minimalist
>>5666751not a fan of side taskbars but it looks nice
hai lullatone :3
>>5666739not too sure about the choice of colors but it looks like you know what you are doing atleast
>>5666731font looks nasty, i dont really like how your ff tabs and taskbar are right next to one another
>>5666727neet, nice minimal
>>5666714hmmm, i think your colors are a little inconsistent (particularily the rightclick bblean stuff) but hell my grays are not consistent either
>>5666707rainmeter is mediorcre
>>5666697hai, top rice
>>5666606>spice girlserr top rice
>>5666564nice window arrangement and nice everthing really, top rice
>>5666365the handful of white elements you have really throw off the theme, otherwise i think it looks really good
>>5666353rainmeter as fuck, good effort
>>5666335top rice as always
>>5666319but it looks like shit
>>5666317looks good and nice .gif
>>5666306this is humerus
>>5666290>black backgroundsnot sure about that but i like what you got
>>5666273tawp rice as usual
>>5666205>fenceskill me
>>5666097more uncoordinated than a 5 legged dog
r8 h8 b8