Here's some fucking rates:
>>5442502 9.9/10 Beautiful. Gimme a shadow under those icons
>>5442398 10/10 HnnnnngThe clock/weather/battery widget isn't my thing but it goes with the rest of your HS and you/ve got the room for it.
>>5442249 8/10 ClassyThat WP is ab it distracting, could do with bigger icons
>>5442193 8/10 Tuity-FruityColor scheme isn't for me but I like what you did
>>5442186 6/10 Cool but painfulSomething about this makes it hurt to look at. I think its the WP
>>5442178 7/10 Neat I guessYou can do better than that WP, otherwise it's fine
>>5442059 a/10 >>5442055 >>5442058 9/10 Groovythose icons are way too small anon. Cool WP though
>>5442033 8/10 :3If XP and Android had a baby...
>>5442011 Duckface/10 LS is cool, colors are spot on but that girl gots to go
>>5442005 nope/10 (actually you get a 10)Well done
>>5441825 8/10 Hey that's niceClock is a little hard to read, maybe a thicker font?
>>5441642 7/10almost but not quite. WP kind of boring honestly, I like the clock though
>>5441629 7/10 neatoHS feels a bit disorganized. Remove the white BG from the widget, there should be 2 rows of 5 at the bottom, not 4 and 5.
>>5441589 10/10 awesome>>5441541 7/10 umHS are very good but your LS doesn't match at all. Either theme the rest of your phone to go with the LS or ditch it (as much as I like eva as well)
>>5441537 8/10Blue/Grey is cool but you're right, different colors would make it more exciting
Now fucking rate mine please