Changed it around a bit and added signal/battery boxes.
>>7145581>>7145591Pretty nice one you got here. Not a fan of the iOS vibe but it's actually quite minimal in a sense, not the "minimalism" that I sometimes see which is just a minimalist wallpaper.
>>7145648Not bad for a stock layout. At least the icons matches up somewhat. Wish the clock could have the same vibe though. Doesn't seem to fit in with it being a Pixelated font anyway.
7/10, 9/10 if you fix the font.
>>7145792Simple. Nice.
>>7146043>>7146044Animations in this one work and it's actually pretty damn cohesive. Nice job.
>>7146242Needs contrast, it's hard for me personally to actually see the top text.
>>7146245Could use a slightly more custom clock and I'm guessing swipe for app drawer?
>>7146403Brown. Quite brown.
>>7146997Interesting style you got there. Is the wallpaper deliberately cut though around when the date is?
>>7147246Holy shit there needs to be somd contrast. But it's quite nice design wise.
4/10, 8/10 if I could actually see the things.
>>7147442I like it. Nice job. Everything works together here.
>>7147551I'm not sure how toy could do this, but the text could be made to look as glitched as the wallpaper. IMO, it could fit in more, but who knows.
>>7147981Not a fan of the album art overlaying the portrait since its quite contrasty in a bad sense.
>>7148852>>7148854Both simply beautiful.
>>7146969>>7146983>>7147206>>7147518>>7147519>>7148404>>7150698Stock/10, although
>>7150698 has an interesting wallpaper setup so i'll actually commend on that.
>>7150084Is that a trap? Cause they be gay.