Old screenshot, will follow up with current tell me witch one I should use
>>620285810/10 kanker mooi
>>62028826/10 dont Like it
>>62028877/10 you get an extra point because the paper makes the lines look bend
>>62028918/10 maybe try and change the nav buttons
>>6202906>>62029059/10 love the colors
>>62029087.5/10 don't like the paper
>>62029264/10 points for trying
>>62029499/10 don't like the colors personally but they do match
>>620295210/10 Like these colors better
>>6202957Yeah man, I did one because of you
>>62029737.5/10 Something else
>>62030037/10 ugly wall
>>62030066/10 has potential, change icons and.get.rid of the notification bar
>>62030486/10 Change paper
>>62030584/10 don't like the icons and hate the clock
>>62030597.5/10 I like the clock for some reason
>>62030651/10 yuck
>>62032484/10 the spacing is all fucked up
>>62033328/10 something new
>>62033926/10 make the lines match
>>62034778/10 Change the font